When you are able to be with anything that arises from within you or from without you, with acceptance and compassion, you open the way for your own True Self Leadership
Hypnotherapy is beneficial in creating this new awareness. Within you there is a wisdom waiting to be called upon. This inner intelligence has the answers.
Hypnotherapy has proved to help in changing the way you look at past events. When you can experience a new perception, you are able to let go of what isn’t working and change the way you live your life.
This inner intelligence knows the truth within your being, including your thoughts and feelings. It is what controls your whole body.
Hypnotherapy allows you to communicate with this wisdom to create health and balance
Sessions and Forms
Individual sessions for Hypnotherapy:
$150.00 for 60 Minutes
$225.00 for 90 Minutes
Sessions can take place in person, by phone, or on Zoom
Payable by Check, Credit Card or PayPal
(If you’re unable to attend a session, please make sure you cancel at least 24 hours beforehand. Otherwise, you’ll be charged the full rate.)